Planning is the most important aspect in the life of a project. The economic success and unique characteristics of a project begin with a logical and flexible plan. edwin brantley smith + associates is dedicated to providing premium planning processes to leverage environmental, economic and long-range goals.Our process begins with the establishment of a planning methodology. This includes on-site workshops to generate suggestions, criteria and goals. Once established, a framework is formed for the development criteria, which becomes the standard for comparing multiple schemes.We extract a wealth of information from the context of the site. Every property, site and location has its own "sense of place". We attempt to take advantage of these special characteristics. Whether they are environmental, visual, accessible or other, every effort is made to define and enhance these features.Site specifics define existing conditions such as physical, environmental, historical, economic and social. Research gleans as much recorded information as available. Observation and trend definition also come into play. Land use concepts are developed using the gathered site information.These concepts underlay the intricate plan eventually developed for the site. Each plan is a flexible map for the project development. Our planning process attempts to combine adaptability and versatility with solid ideas for the future.Edwin Brantley Smith + Associates listens and responds to client needs and goals. We pride ourselves on simple, yet elegant plans. We believe a successful project is born from a successful plan.